Addiction Treatment: Clinical Skills for Healthcare Providers is a self-paced, on-demand, online course. You can start the course at any time and take as long as you need to complete it. Completion is marked by passing the 6 module-end quizzes in the course. The material has been designed by an interprofessional team at Yale University and improved through feedback collected from educators and medical trainees participating in the SAMHSA-funded grant to the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry in collaboration with Yale and the American College of Addiction Medicine Expansion of Interprofessional Healthcare Practitioner SUD Education Grant #1H79FG000023 from SAMHSA. By taking the course, you will learn foundational knowledge on how to identify, diagnose, and treat substance use disorders (SUDs).

Part 1: Create a Coursera Login

  1. Go to the
  2. At the top right corner of the webpage, click the “Join for Free” button.
    At the top right corner of the webpage, click the Join for Free button
  3. Toggle to Sign Up, and enter your name, email, and password.
    Toggle to Sign Up, and enter your name, email, and password

Part 2: Enroll in Addiction Treatment Course

  1. Go to the course landing page:
  2. Click Enroll for Free
    Note: The Platform will say the course starts on the date you are looking, but the course is on-demand and you can start anytime and reset your deadlines if you fall behind.
    Click Enroll for Free
  3. Select the second option “Full Course, No Certificate”
    Note: You will get all the same material in the free version. If you want a Coursera Certificate of Completion to share with your professional networks you can choose to pay for it but payment is not required to access the course.
    Select the second option Full Course, No Certificate
  4. You’re in! Start watching videos in Week 1 or skip around to whatever content appeals to you.
    Note: If you are taking this course as part of a class requirement, you can share your grades with instructors by following these instructions.
    In the course